Wisdom Consciousness
We embark on a long journey of wisdom together with you all. Actually, don't care when I say "long". This study of wisdom delivered in a total of 34 sessions will take much less time compared to the Sufi wisdom process of our Anatolia. If we conceive and plan our journey in a way similar to the wisdom journeys of ancient times, we would definitely cover our entire training in 30-40 years.
In our case, it will take as much time as necessary for you to internalize, develop and awarness by feeling and synthesize everything in our individual lives. This process may be shorter than the wisdom journey previously taken by many others, because we are in an advantageous period called the “New Age Wisdom”. These are times where everything is much easier to understand and notice, as information can spread very quickly and be accessed much more easily. As the acceleration of time has been proven, e must speed up the achievement of “Wisdom Awareness” .
We will delve into the questions of "How had time accelerated?" and "Why should the realization of wisdom be quicker?" in subsequent sessions. First, we want to give you basic information about the method and style of this journey we have embarked on.
It will not be a "journey of learning".
You will not learn the way to happiness only, though we entitle this journey "Wisdom Awarness: A Study of Happiness" During your journey, you will not only realize being happy. Starting to feel happiness during your journey will be just a small gift from the wisdom process to you. Wisdom is something much more than happiness...and it is sublime. Wisdom is the glory of human being. You will realize very well what wisdom is during this journey.
Although wisdom is originally a root-Turkish word, most people do not know it or they are not even familiar with it.For this reason, we have added the phrase “Study of Happiness," to the title but don't readily understand learning from the word "study"!
Starting from the family, we were always taught in elementary school, middle school, high school, etc. Friends, education improves a person, that's right. We graduate from universities and have a profession by studying hard. We earn money and become useful to others and benefit them with the knowlegde that we have acquired. But after all these years of education and learning, that person may not change at all. He learns a lot, becomes useful to others with what he learns, but he himself may not change. Why can't he change, because learning is something that is always added, put into the intellect. If this is the intellect or the mind, it is not who we are. As a corollary, it is not going to be a ”learning journey".
Wisdom is more a process of transformation than that of change. Transformation is the complete differentiation or metamorphoses as a result of one or more changes. You change, you change, then you transform with the awareness of wisdom. You are beings of consciousness. You are beings of awareness. So we are the conscious being who become aware. Our level of consciousness remains at the same level no matter what we know, no matter what we have learned, it does not change. Because in order for a person to transform, his consciousness must jump.
There are 4 levels of consciousness in a person. All wisdom studies in the world, east and west, have accepted man as the 4th level of consciousness since thousands of years ago until today. If we consider the world's population as 7 billion odd, another 7 billion of this population are at the lowest, primary level of consciousness. The remaining fraction of people are in other higher levels of consciousness. In other words, the number of people who can achieve the leap of consciousness, the leap of awareness, which we call wisdom, is very, very small compared to the totality of humanity. The lowest level of human ascension and exaltation corresponds to other 3 levels that remain above.
Let me try to explain the difference between learning, knowing and noticing ain the following words. The mind does not think that it will be able to notice anything new in any possible way after a certain age. We have come to this age, the mind thinks that we have seen everything, we have learned what we would learn. On the contrary, I claim that we don't know anything. Because we know so little about our knowledge, consciousness, about life, about reality, about the magnificent divine system we are in, that…
As the consciousness notices the fact that it has never noticed before, it relaxes at once, becomes free, and happiness ensues from that moment on. There is already happiness in human creation, in her/his essence, in her/his substance. Wisdom makes it possible for this to be realized and experienced. This is all that wisdom does. To put it briefly, wisdom is when a person realizes the existing happiness in her/his own essence and becomes a completely different being by transforming with this awareness.
We have said that there are 4 levels of consciousness for a person. Until the first 10 of our studies, we will make the first leap and risen to the second level of consciousness. By the 34th study, we will make the second leap and rise to the third level. (we'll talk about the 4 levels later). You will also notice that freedom and happiness have come to you out of the blue.