wisdom & happiness
Happiness is not a coincidence of fortune. In order to change one's dissatisfied life, one has to transform oneself. This transformation is the transformation in consciousness and no one can give it to you from the outside! A person who is on the path towards wisdom may have set out only for the attainment of happiness, but what wisdom brings him is far beyond happiness and freedom." says Işık Yazan:
Academic Life;
1955-1959 Karsiyaka Alaybey Primary School
1960-1962 Karsiyaka College
1963-1965 Karşıyaka High School (During his high school years, his Literature Teacher was the poet and painter Macit Aray, a medium of spiritual beings, who received messages from Dr. Bedri Ruhselman under the pseudonyms "Mustafa Molla" and "Mevlana").
1965-1971 He graduated from the Departments of High Mechanical Engineering and Naval Engineering at the Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.After his studies, he pursued intensive spiritual and Sufi research besides his busy business life.
Other Aspects of Işık Yazan
1973-1982 He worked closely with Abdülbaki Gölpınarlı, Professor of Literature, Islam and Sufism, until his death.
In 1977, he went to Canada with his family and worked in the automotive industry for a year and returned to Istanbul in 1978. In 1980, Işık Yazan expanded and edited Turhan Olgaç's lifelong work "Şuurlu İnanç", which he met in 1980, and published 2 volumes of the work while preparing it for printing in 7 volumes. When the 3rd volume was being prepared for publication, Turhan Olgaç's death halted the publication of the work with the request of his wife Sevil Olgaç that she would publish the work herself, and unfortunately the work has remained unpublished until today.
Since 1985, in order to concentrate on the field of wisdom, he left the industrial organization where he last worked as a manager and worked as a consultant, artwork procurement and decorator for Turkey's distinguished collectors on Turkish painters and Turkish Calligraphy.
He became an Art Advisor to the Presidency in 1989-1990 and designed and held the “Historical Turkish House” exhibition in various museums in San Francisco, Washington and Memphis-Tennessee.
After Dr. Bedri Ruhselman, the exponent of Spiritualism in Turkey under a scientific discipline, Işık Yazan, the exponent of the Wisdom Consciousness School in Turkey based on Spiritualism, created his knowledge, experiences and wisdom under the Wisdom Consciousness studies and established the Wisdom Consciousness school.
The subject of wisdom is as old as the history of mankind. It is the study of consciousness, which is essential for human awareness and development, human happiness, from Existence to the current life of human beings.
Their work and trainings in chronological order;
1989-today: He has popularized Wisdom Education with seminars organized in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir.
From 1989 to 1990, Awareness Raising activities were organized as "Wisdom Seminars" monthly in Istanbul-Ankara-Izmir.
Between 1990-2005, the seminars continued for 16 years without interruption as "Wisdom Consciousness" training. This unique training was based on 80 titles created by IŞIK YAZAN. The four-year version was offered to approximately 7000 people in Istanbul. At the end of the seminars, the participants received the "Wise Art of Living.”
He applied the "Consciousness of the Path of Wisdom", a 4-period, 44-titled, 132-hour training program, upon Aydın University's proposal.
Launched in 2013, the latest round of "Applied Wisdom Trainings" includes 34 studies and is currently ongoing in Istanbul, Izmir and Bodrum.
1990: He purchased 24 acres of land in the Ödemiş borough of İzmir as a ew venue for his trainings. He practices Internalization practice (SATSANG retreat) for the trainees, who have already finished the initial wisdom training, in this land during the summer.
Books and Printed Press:
In addition to the publication of "Conscious Faith", in 1988, he published his book "A NEW AGE" in order to spread the awareness of a new age (NEW AGE) coming to humanity.
1996-1997 He wrote articles on Wisdom Consciousness in the magazine "FENOMEN" published by Milliyet Publishing Group for 34 issues.
In 2006, upon the invitation of "Oneness University", she traveled to India with her husband and conducted energy studies and applied these studies after returning to Turkey.
In 2011, he organized a panel on the energy transformations of 2012 under the title "2012 Transition Wisdom".
In 2014, he gave a wide interview on a TV program on "Wisdom", which today's people need, and continued to convey the "Necessity of Wisdom" to people on TRT and Bodrum Radios. In March 2016, he was interviewed on Business Channel Turk on Wisdom, Our Need for Happiness Education and "Unused Capacity of Consciousness and Errorless Decision Making" for Businessmen. Videos on the subject can be watched on his website.
In May 2016, she published her messages reinforcing the path of Wisdom, which she has been publishing as daily messages in Wisdom Trainings since 2013, as a book titled "Taking Root in the Sky".
As of the 2019-2020 season, Işık Yazan continues its 34-week trainings in many cities.
As a reflection of the wisdom trainings, he started to give his Master's trainings as of 2018.
About wisdom
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Why do we need wisdom?
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